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MYB Babe
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Everything posted by CrªzySe×yCool

  1. ^ Hmm... they are suppose to, but uknow how msia is... not every one follows the rules, and not everyone do their job properly... sad!
  2. ^ Lol! he has enough gloves Its ok.. save ur money and spend it wisely Losta gold diggers here... careful now lol!!! Ur both coming back for a holiday?
  3. Or u could try tying ur hair up in a Bun while its 1/2 wet after ur shower and leave it on the whole night. In the moring, take the bun out and ur hair will look kinda curly/wavy.. very natural, but it wont look exactly like those big curls u want. It'll depend on how long ur hair is... if u have layered hair itll look even nicer
  4. Btw.. topic starter you should spell check ur title.. for a minute i thought i read Malaysian General Erection 2008 lol!
  5. I have no idea.... u could take a chef's course or somthing... maybe u can look it up on the net.. or ask someone to teach you.. and pay them lol!
  6. They told us (chinese) "This is a Islam country, if u dont like it then Balik kampung" Well since he said that, maybe thats why so many voted else where. You DONT say that... out loud (stupid!) And anyway... Malays werent the ones who owned msia first! I definitely agree that bumiputra rights should be executed! but then, nothing is EVER FAIR in Malaysia *rolls eyes*
  7. I can actually say YES to that. I can cook better than some restuarants out there Its not the way to a mans heart, but he'll definitely appreciate u and ur effort/s that u put into the food. If u keep on trying and trying to cook and it still taste bad... either take cooking classes or stop. Some people just arent meant to cook.
  8. ^hmm.... So Sam is from the States?
  9. Are u guys dreaming? lol! j/k kidding! Whose coming back? Adam or Sam? And why congratz to Sam..? i dont get it... kinda slow... :|
  10. Yes shave/wax it off. Not all, leave some hangin' there... u dont want it to look like a little girls thingy I personally think that non shaved thingys are yuck. (U seen the edison thingy pics? u'll know what i mean lol!)
  11. Nah.. If u got ass, then no matter what u wear it'll show... If u dont have ass/ or much ass, then it'll look flat. :|
  12. Check with a doctor and wash with feminine hygiene washes. If ur having sex, make sure u wash afterwards...
  13. Yeah thats true! F&B peeps... omg.. we dont even know what goes on in the kitchen... god knows what goes on in the toilet Lmao!
  14. For me 1 is enough. 2...? I'll think about it............. Boy or girl it didnt matter... but i had a boy a VERY CUTE BOY!!!
  15. Hmmm...where is it being held?U dont wanna be over dressed or under dressed.
  16. I dont think so. I drink 2 cups of coffee everyday, nothing's happened to my lips.
  17. I dont know...? Try using lipstick. Or if u smoke... stop smoking.
  18. You cant get those kinda curls permanantly.Those kinda big curls are usually blown, or done using a big tong iron curler. Getting it blown is more natural looking.
  19. If life was without parties/clubbing (for me) i'd be fine with it
  20. Pastries, pies, ice cream, chocolates, lasagne, cheese cake.... and many more!
  21. I dont know if people have ever thought of this... I think that the rules should be changed. They shouldnt let Doctors and Nurses wear their uniforms outside of the hospital. Ive seen alot of nurses and some docs wear their uniforms outside of the hospital.. like walking along the streets to and from work, taking a cab, bus, lrt etc... Theyve never thought of all the germs and bacteria that theyll take back to the hospital and maybe pass onto some patients. A few days after i gave birth, i had to take my baby back to Pantai Hospital for a review, and while waiting for the results, we were at the canteen. I saw nurses, and a doctor (she was wearing her operating uniform with the mask n stuff ). I know they have to eat... but i just think it unhygienic.
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