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About yyl8353

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    Preemie Babe
  1. [quote name='Teff' timestamp='1265418876' post='578737'] That's very expensive. Im taking DBH Sheep Placenta supplement from New Zealand and I bought it directly from the NZ manufacturer cum authorized distributor. Cost per bottle is approximately RM100...and a bottle lasts 2 months...so that would be RM50 per month! Contents are [size="2"]sheep placenta extract 30:1 (equiv. to 12g fresh ovine placenta), with 1200mg grape seed extract, 20mg natural vitamin E & lecithin. By far the highest concentration I have seen thus far.[/size] [/quote]
  2. 一天一小茶匙的分量有多少mg的collagen?
  3. i wanna to know more about this placenta, who try b4? (goodhealth and dbh placenta)
  4. how much for this placenta? It's from where? A bottle consume for how many days?
  5. [quote name='Kenneth Ng' timestamp='1300346207' post='594111'] [b][color="#ff0010"]Say bye-bye to Freckles, Dark Pigmentation, Wrinkles! Nuweal [/color][/b][b][color="#ff0010"]Sheep Placenta can help you Fight the effects of Ageing![/color][/b] [color="#000000"][b]As advertised in U Magazine (U 1 [/b]周 No. 267 - Page 39) [b]and every issue of EzyHealth. Our placenta is directly supplied by Nuweal Group Pte Ltd. It is manufactured and packed in Australia, 30 capsules per bottle.[/b][/color] [b][color="#000000"] [img]http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/162903_488187545368_119385535368_5941111_1384286_n.jpg[/img] [img]http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/16333_221524185368_119385535368_3192567_7324024_n.jpg[/img] Ovine placenta is the nature answer to rejuvenating your cells and bringing the vigour of youth back into your step as we face the onslaught of external and internal ageing factors. [u][color="#002cfd"]Benefits of Sheep Placenta[/color][/u][color="#002cfd"] Placenta's health benefits include anti-aging, skin revitalising, boosting immune system, improving physical vitality and promoting general well being. [/color][color="#002cfd"][b]Apart from the anti-aging properties, Sheep Placenta has the ability to:[/b] [/color][color="#002cfd"]* [b]Lighten the appearance of freckles, pigmentation and dark spots[/b].[/color][color="#002cfd"] * [b]Promote a translucent, lustrous and even toned complexion[/b].[/color][color="#002cfd"] * Smoothen skin, making it look good and feel velvety soft.[/color][color="#002cfd"] * Increase skin elasticity and [b]reduce sagging[/b].[/color][color="#002cfd"] * Hydrate the skin,[b] reducing lines and wrinkles[/b]. * Enhance skin renewal process and reduce appearance of scars. * Regulate the natural sebum production and reduce open pores. * [b]Regulate menstrual cycle, ease menstrual pain and alleviate menopausal symptoms[/b]. * [b]Improve energy and vitality.[/b][/color] [color="#002cfd"]* Assist in burning of excess body fats and firm up the body.[/color][color="#002cfd"] [/color] Best of all, it can be used as MASK!!! If you would like to know more about our placenta, kindly contact Kenneth @ 91855318 or email me at [email="kennethng71@yahoo.com.sg"]kennethng71@yahoo.com.sg[/email]. We provide free delivery on COD. Rest assured that we only supply the authentic products. So please ORDER with CONFIDENT! [/color][/b] [/quote]
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