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MYB Babe
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About smiley_xo

  • Rank
    Preemie Babe
  • Birthday 08/01/1991

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  • Interests
    Funny movies, music (most things but mainly hip hop), hanging out with friends, clubbing, shopping, ben and jerry's ice cream. Laughing, writing, reading, being addicted to facebook and neglecting myspace. Dreaming, buying too many clothes, sightseeing, travelling, dancing (hip hop). Friends.
  1. sorry to hear *read?* about your situation..but i just wanted to say i know exactly how you feel..i got out of my first proper r'ship (of 2 yrs) a few months ago. I thought he was really special, we had so many memories together that I didnt want to believe that he didnt feel the same about me like he did b4..I didnt want to give up on this guy that was always there. Went through a lot of pain and wondering y he was avoiding me. But when the time came that i finally decided i wanted OUT of the relationship I think he saw what was coming, that I was going to break up with him. And I think that even tho he said 'no, i still love you' and all of that..I can see now that it wasnt wat he wanted anymore. I think he knew he didnt have his heart 100% in it - and hey, we r young, we deserve to have a guy who really really wants to be w us! - but maybe he was also thinking abt memories and not having the security and familiarity of the other person anymore. But I have to say IMHO -- it was the best decision. I thought that after we broke up id feel alone but i opened up, made a lot of new friends that have stuck by me and i feel SOSOSOSOSO much happier looking back now it was an unhealthy relationship and I dont know why i stayed so long when there were so many better, nicer guys out there who have diff qualities, diff personalities and care a lot abt feelings, wont take me for granted. Also I think cos it was my 1st r'ship I didnt have anything to compare to and i tot that he was the only one who could make me feel loved and protected. But trust me, honestys always the best policy and hes not being honest to himself or to u. Im not saying that this is exactly the same situation and you dnt have to take all my advice but..you have yr whole life ahead of u and this is a big world maybe u guys were happy but sometimes things jst arent meant to be. If he really really wanted to be with you, you'd know by the way he acts around you, and if youre having doubts it seems like its mainly because of the way he's changed towards you. Go with your instincts, and youll both be thankful..cos you both deserve someone you wanna be with, and if hes not the one, jst means theres another guy out there waiting for ya. GOOD LUCK and hope things work themselves out
  2. I think love is a complex thing and pretty tricky sometimes..because of course it is possible to have feelings for 2 guys at the same time - its probably the good qualities in both of you guys that appeals to her because both provide what the other doesnt. I agree that she prob does feel the same way about you and wants to commit but isnt sure if she should give up the stability of her current bf (and if he loves her more than she loves him shes prob feeling bad about hurting him), esp. if shes insecure about all the women around u. Yup i agree - its best to reassure her that she can trust you if you guys got together - but at the end of the day someone will get hurt by this situation and if its you, you gotta be prepared to take it..you deserve your own happiness like everyone else. so if you fight for her because you really do love her (and you guys get together cos she feels the same way), thats great. If not, and she decides to stay with her current bf, then its her loss. it just means theres someone else better waiting for u down the line.
  3. ah okay, thanks! to both.. btw..which L'oreal elseve one did you use?
  4. I have both curled and colored hair, what type of shampoo and conditioner should i use? cos you can get shampoo for curly hair, and shampoo for colored hair..but also conditioner for curly and conditioner for colored. What combination should i get? thanks
  5. Hiya babes, Okay, so I used to get really fed up of having really frizzy hair before so for the last few year's I've had it straightened, then permed. I had it bleached, then coloured before but didnt know how to maintain the colour so it went orange-y instead of brown So then last month i dyed it all dark brown and permed it..but I'm not sure how to maintain the color and curls! the color's fading and becoming lighter again and I'm not sure how to curl my hair properly (not using any curling iron) after i shower..using mousse and a diffuser makes my hair frizzy and dry. Any advice on how to get it looking healthy/maintaining color/curling it nicely/de-frizzing it? Would really appreciate any tips or products you guys use thanks so much!
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