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  1. Alpha-ketogluterate (AKG) reduces the decreased glutamine and other amino acids concentration in the blood. Therefore the combination into a single molecule of alpha-ketogluterate and L-arginine guarantees achieving maximum regeneration of muscle tissue after training and high stimulation of the muscles during exercises through the generation of the so-called "muscle pump" feel. L-arginine alpha-ketogluterate is also a very well assimilated form of L-arginine. [b]What is Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate?[/b] Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AAKG) is a popular ingredient in many cell volumiers. The Alpha-Ketoglutarate compound helps improve the delivery of L-Arginine and is one of the most important nitrogen (NO2) transporters in metabolic pathways. Nitric Oxide (NO2) is a very powerful vasodilator that increases the intensity and duration of the "pump" which is gained when working out (usually after heavy weights). Most AAKG users experience a visible increase in vascularity and pump. [b]Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate can also be referred to as:[/b] AAKG, AKG, A-AKG, Arginine AKG, L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate, Arginine-Alpha-Ketoglutarate [b]Product Details - Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate[/b] Nitric Oxide Performance Boosting Hemodilator: Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AAKG) promotes increased nitric oxide (NO) production for enhanced blood flow and better delivery of oxygen and nutrients to working muscle. AAKG creates an anabolic environment in your body by increasing the volume of blood flowing through muscle tissue (hemodilation) which leads to increased oxygen and nutrient delivery, glucose uptake, muscle velocity and power output. AAKG helps amplify muscle-growth signals giving faster gains in lean mass and accelerates both fast and slow twitch muscle fiber for greater strength, improved muscle recovery, and increased endurance. The increased blood flow may also contribute to enhanced sexual performance. In addition, L-Arginine stimulates the production of human growth hormone (HGH), a chemical produced by the body that promotes growth and plays an essential role in metabolism. HGH is popular among athletes because it's believed to play a part in building lean muscle mass and increasing strength. Used in conjunction with your exercise program, AAKG may support myodilation, the expansion of muscle tissue. AAKG is a more bio-available form of Arginine (or L-arginine) which is a crystalline free-form amino acid involved in numerous areas of human biochemistry, including muscle metabolism, ammonia detoxification, hormone secretion and the immune system. L-arginine is considered a semi-essential amino acid, because although it is normally synthesized in sufficient amounts by the body, supplementation is sometimes required. Arginine supports protein synthesis as it is involved in the transport and storage of nitrogen and is important for proper physical performance because it is used by the body to produce creatine. L-arginine is required for the synthesis of nitric oxide, a secondary messenger involved in blood flow. Nitric oxide is a compound that helps keep blood vessels dilated to promote healthy blood flow. Preliminary evidence suggests that arginine may be useful in the treatment of medical conditions that are improved by vasodilation, such as angina, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, erectile dysfunction, heart failure, intermittent claudication/peripheral vascular disease, and vascular headache. Arginine also stimulates protein synthesis and has been studied for wound healing, bodybuilding, enhancement of sperm production (spermatogenesis), and prevention of wasting in people with critical illness. L-Arginine is beneficial for overall cardiovascular maintenance and sexual function as well as other areas that depend largely on healthy circulatory status. L-arginine was first isolated in 1886. In 1932, L-arginine was found to be required for the generation of urea, which is necessary for the removal of toxic ammonia from the body. In 1939, L-arginine was also shown to be required for the synthesis of creatine. Creatine degrades to creatinine at a constant rate, and is cleared from the body by the kidney. Arginine is also a precursor of guanido-phosphate, phosphor-arginine and creatine, the high-energy compounds found in muscles. L-Arginine has been used extensively by bodybuilders to increase blood flow to muscle tissue and to enhance creatine storage in the body although recently Arginine Alpha-ketoglutarate has become more popular. Arginine is also an important factor in muscle metabolism and works to transport, store and excrete nitrogen. [b]Euligen[/b] [b]Supply: [/b]Di-Arginine oxoglurate 5g [b]Indication:[/b] Maintain normal liver function, physically and mentally debilitating, alcoholism [b]Dosage and Administration: [/b]Intravenous injection or intravenous infusion 2.5-40gm daily; Dilution every vial in 20ml injection water for slow injection (2.5g/10ml) or diluted in normal saline or 5% glucose injection by intravenous infusion [b]Precautions: [/b]Slow injection needed (90-120min injection time) in order to enhance the absorption of the liver to the chemicals. L-arginine is a basic substrate in the biosynthesis of nitrogen oxide (NO), which shows a broad spectrum of action on the endothelium of blood vessels, causing their widening and as a result increasing the blood flow through the tissue. This improves the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and intensifies the flow of anabolic hormones stimulating the muscle growth. The intensification of circulation alone in the muscle tissue is a direct signal for the body on the need to increase its size and indirectly affects muscle growth through the increase of power and endurance and thus the training capacity. L-arginine additionally increases the secretion of growth hormone and intensifies protein anabolism. It also has a positive impact on increasing the general resistance of the body. 劑型: 凍晶注射劑 適應症: 維護肝臟正常功能、身心衰弱、酒精中毒。 L-精氨酸在体内转化成一种化学名为一氧化氮。一氧化氮会导致血管,改善血流打开更宽。 L-精氨酸刺激生长激素,胰岛素和其他物质在体内的释放。 L-精氨酸是一种化学物质称为“氨基酸积木。”这是从饮食中获得的是身体制造蛋白质所需的。 L-精氨酸被发现在红色的肉类,家禽,鱼,乳制品。它也可以在实验室中制成入药。 L-精氨酸用于心脏和血管的情况,包括充血性心脏衰竭(CHF),胸痛,血压高,冠心病。 L-精氨酸也可用于由于动脉阻塞(间歇性跛行),下降的心理承受能力的中老年人(老年性痴呆症),勃起功能障碍(ED),男性不育症的腿经常疼痛。 有些人用L-精氨酸,对预防感冒,改善肾功能,肾移植,在怀孕期间(先兆子痫)血压高后,提高运动成绩,增强免疫系统,防止早产儿消化道炎症。 L-精氨酸结合使用一个以上的非处方药和处方药物的各种条件。例如,L-精氨酸用于偏头痛布洛芬;与传统的化疗药物,用于治疗乳腺癌,减肥治疗艾滋病人的其他氨基酸和鱼油和其他补充剂,减少感染,提高伤口愈合,缩短手术后的恢复时间。 有些人申请L-精氨酸的皮肤,加快伤口愈合,增加血流量,尤其是在患有糖尿病的人,手脚冰凉。它也被用来作为一个在男性和女性的性问题的奶油 有效的... 改善手术后的恢复。以L-精氨酸,核糖核酸(RNA)和二十碳五烯酸(EPA)在手术前或之后,似乎有助于减少恢复时间,减少感染人数,并改善手术后的伤口愈合。 充血性心力衰竭。以L-精氨酸似乎随着常规治疗,以帮助消除额外的液体,在充血性心脏衰竭的问题。但服用L-精氨酸并不总是提高运动耐受性生活质量。 L-精氨酸不应使用,而不是通常的处理由医疗保健供应商订购。 胸痛与冠心病(心绞痛)。以L-精氨酸似乎减少症状和提高运动耐受性和生活质量与心绞痛的人。但L-精氨酸似乎并没有改善疾病本身。 膀胱炎。以L-精氨酸似乎改善症状,但它可能需要长达3个月的治疗,以改善。 人与艾滋病毒/艾滋病,与hydroxymethylbutyrate(HMB的)和谷氨酰胺使用时的损失浪费和重量。这种组合似乎增加体重,尤其是瘦体重,改善免疫系统。 预防心绞痛的硝酸甘油效果的损失。 阴茎的勃起(勃起功能障碍)问题。 肾移植患者服用环孢素肾功能的改进。 预防早产儿消化道炎症。 动脉阻塞(间歇性跛行)腿抽筋的疼痛和虚弱。 FOR ORDER: vcareurhealth@yahoo.com
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