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How to get a bigger booty & bigger thighs?

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Hello all Im pretty tall about 5'6 or 5'7 & thin. I cherish my shape i have now however i wanna put pants on & have a goods. Which i don't have whatsoever at this time. Its so even lol. Any guidance on what to consume & actions to do to get a greater goods & greater thighs?


Edited by clubadmin

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To get a bigger butt and thighs quickly, you'll have to train a lot in a short duration. Keep in mind, though, regular exercise should be a lifestyle, not just a quick fix. Maintain proper form in each exercise, and if you are uncertain about any safety precautions, enlist the help of a certified personal trainer. Intense strength-training exercises will build muscle in your butt and thighs using only your body weight for resistance.



Squat Jump
1Stand up tall with a straight spine and position your feet hip-width apart.
2Bend your knees and sit back deeply. Do not shift your knees farther than your toes as you sit back.
3Jump up as high as you can, explosively. Straighten your legs as you jump.
4Bend your knees and land in a squatting position, as lightly as possible. Quickly jump back up as soon as you touch the ground.
5Perform 12 to 15 repetitions, working your way up to three sets.




Plyometric Jumps
1 Stand facing a plyobox or bench. If you are just beginning, choose a box or bench that is only 12 inches tall. As you progress and your vertical jump increases, add more height.
2 Touch your fingers to the back of your head and open the elbows out to the sides.
3 Press your feet into the floor and explosively jump on to the ledge of the box or bench.
4 Jump over the other side of the box or bench and land lightly on the ground with your knees soft.
5 Turn around to face the box or bench and explosively jump back up.
6 Perform 12 to 15 repetitions, working your way up to three sets.

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Step-Up, Kick-Back
1  Stand directly in front of a plyobox or bench. You can also stand directly in front of a sturdy chair.
2 Place your right foot on the ledge of the box, bench or chair.
3 Step up onto the ledge and balance on your right foot.
4 Pull your left knee into your chest.
5 Hinge at the waist slightly and extend the left leg back behind you.
6 Lower the left leg down to the floor as you step down.
7 Perform 12 to 15 reps, working your way up to three sets.

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On my own journey in search of a bigger butt, I started out on Google, to do the research. I found a lot of nutritional/expert information claiming that you can't really "grow" your butt, at least not naturally. I believed them, I just didn't accept it! I do agree that there is absolutely no way of going from being stick-thin to getting a Kim Kardashian booty naturally. However, it is my personal experience that you can vastly increase the size of your butt with a lot of hard work. I didn't start seeing major results until the beginning of the third week, so it does require some endurance and a lot of patience.





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 The right cardio exercise and weight training activities (like squats 
and deadlifts) can make a difference in your backside and help you get 
those buns of steel. Find out the best cardio and strength training 
exercises for strengthening and firming up your rear. 
1. Squats. 
Squats are one of the best exercises you can do for your hips, butt 
and thighs. Stand with feet hip-width apart and squat, keeping back 
straight, abs in and knees behind your toes. Let your butt lightly 
touch chair and squeeze butt to stand up. Repeat for 2-3 sets of 8-12 
reps and add weights for more intensity. 
2. Lunges. Stand in a split 
stance, with feet about 3 feet apart. You want both knees to be at 
about 90-degree angles at the bottom of the movement, so adjust 
accordingly. Hold weights in each hand (or place a barbell behind the 
neck) for added intensity. Bend the knees and lower the back knee 
toward the floor, keeping the front heel down and the knee directly 
over the centre of the foot. Keep the torso straight and abs in as you 
push through the front heel and back to starting position. Don't lock 
the knees at the top of the movement. Perform 1 to 3 sets of 10 to 16 
reps according to your fitness level and goals. 
3. Step Ups. For step 
ups, you simply place one foot on a step or platform and push through 
the heel onto the step. This is an excellent exercise for the glutes. 
4. Hip Extensions. Lie on the floor with feet propped on the ball, 
legs straight. Keeping abs tight, slowly lift your hips off the floor 
(squeezing the buttocks) until body is in a straight line. Hold for a 
few seconds and lower, repeating 10 to 15 times. 

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