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About healthygal

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    Preemie Babe
  1. As far as I know, spirulina is not supposed to be heaty as its a blue green algae cultivated in natural spring water. It's all natural. Naturally spray dry, make into powder and pressed into tablets. Those spirulina tablets which u have taken & feeling heaty, it's probably not 100% natural made from spirulina powder. Probably it has been mix with some mixture to press into tablets. My friend do told me it's heaty, only take 3 to 4 tablets a day, got sore throat. I said it's not possible as I'm taking about 20 tablets a day (200mg per tablet). So I give her some & try it out, to her surprised she didn't get any sore throat. Today, spirulina is one of the natural whole food supplements that have captured worldwide attention. It's now marketed as a superfood and nutritional natural whole food supplement and is noted for its content of proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, carbohydrate, Beta-Carotene, chlorophylls, phycocyanin, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and other valuable nutrients, all found in their natural forms. All these nutrients are needed by our body daily as many environment factors, modern & hectic lifestyles has resulted in the decline of health which increase nutrient requirements needed to continually eliminate these accumulated toxins to maintain good health and prevent modern degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, immune dysfunction, ageing, etc.
  2. Thrush / Yeast Infections. This type of vaginitis is usually caused by a naturally occurring fungus called Candida albicans. It is estimated that nearly 75% of all women will contract a yeast infection during their lifetime. Some of these infections can pose serious problems for your overall health. Common symptoms of thrush / yeast infection include itching, redness and irritation. When the infection is severe the vulva may become swollen and fine breaks, called fissures, may appear. Vaginal discharge will grow thicker and often becomes clumpy. Try Spirulina (food supplement) as mucopolysaccharides found in it supressese bad bacteria like e-coli and candida yeast and stimulates beneficial flora like lactobacillus and bifidobacteria. Healthy flora is the foundation of good health and it increases absorption of nutrients from the food we eat, and helps protect against infection. I do have the same problem previously. Pretty bad & frequent visit to the gynae to get cream and vaginal tablet for the infection.
  3. Spirulina contain an astounding array of nutritional elements: vitamins, minerals, macrominerals, trace minerals, amino acids (proteins), essential fatty acids, nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), cholorophyll, beta-carotene and other pigments, caratenoids, polysaccharides, and a vast spectrum of phytochemicals. Spirulina has many of the nutrients needed by every human body, in near-perfect ratios. Please be reminded that Spirulina only act as food supplement to plug the nutritional "holes" in our daily diet to improve overall health. It has just a little bit of everything. It is important to understand that Spirulina is not medicine, it's food supplement. Just imagine if u were to take 1 gram a day and it contains a spectrum of vitamins and minerals, that means the vitamins and minerals are all in very tiny portion so definitely u can't get much benefit if u take far too little. Just for maintenance of good health itself u have to take at least 3 grams a day. Spirulina are packed with nutrients and phytochemicals that boost health. It contains over 100 vitamins; minerals and rare trace minerals, amino acids which includes of the eight essential amino acids that the body cannot manufacture; enzymes; phytonutrients; high level of easily absorbed natural cell protectors (antioxidants); chlorophyll, alpha and beta-carotene; and phycocyanin, the latter found exclusively in Spirulina. In fact, it is virtually a complete food. Spirulina is simply the world's most digestible natural source of high quality protein. 3 times as much protein as beef. The digestive absorption of protein in Spirulina is greater than beef so spirulina offers more digestible protein. The protein found in Spirulina is also a complete protein, meaning that it contains all eight essential amino acids, unlike beans, whole grains and other plant-based foods that typically lack one or more amino acids. So when it comes to protein, Spirulina is the world's best source for it. Many of the vitamins found in Spirulina: all of the B vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, provitamin A and so on. What's important about these vitamins isn't just that they are present, it's the fact that they are found in their natural forms. If you take "bulk" vitamin supplements, you are often taking synthetic vitamins that have been manufactured in a chemical plant from ingredients that you'd never normally eat. So vitamins found in plants are simply more healthful, more absorbable, and more effective at getting the job done. That's why the best way to take vitamins is to eat vitamin-rich superfoods like spirulina. In this way, you get all the vitamins you need, in the proper natural form that that human body was meant to digest. Same time you don't have to worry about dosages, either. If you take Spiurlina, you automically get near-perfect ratios of the most important vitamins and nutrients your body need. That's one reason why this superfood is called "perfect-food". Spirulina is also rich in minerals! Essential minerals may be missing from conventional foods grown in depleted soils. Most isolated mineral supplements aren't well absorbed or utilized by our bodies. Many people have a common serious mineral deficiency in their bodies due to unbalance diet. If you are calcium deficient, although eating moderate amounts of calcium found in meat and dairy products, your bodies can't use it because they don't have the magnesium and Vitamin D necessary to turn calcium into strong bones. With spirulina, however, this superfood contains calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium, other trace minerals and other cofactors needed working together hand in hand. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are the "good" fats you've been increasingly hearing about in recent years. Your body can't live without them. They're needed for a healthy heart, a healthy nervous system, and especially a healthy brain (the human brain is around 80% fat). Spirulina contains GLA and Omega-3 fatty acids. It is especially high in GLA, 3 times higher than evening primrose oil. We cannot make GLA in our body, we need to take it from food. You know that the consumption of these healthy oils, produces astounding health benefits in the human body. Heart disease and various cardiovascular disorders respond quickly and positively. Brain function is improved, diabetes is brought under control, blood sugar is regulated and cancer risk soon plummets. There is a study showed improvements in brain function (Author: Sevulla). Mentioned that the mechanism of such dramatic improvements in brain function are very likely due to the present of both GLA and phycocyanin , a blue pigment found in spirulina which is extremely rare in plants and foods. U just need to make your own choice and if it doesn't set well, try another one. We are all unique in the way we metabolize our food.
  4. healthygal


    UTI is very common among women. Women are especially susceptible to bacteria which may invade the urinary tract and multiply resulting in infection. Approximately fity percent of all women will have at least one UTI in her lifetime with many women having several infections throughout their lifetime. The most common cause of UTI are bacteria (E-Coli) from the bowel that live on the skin near the rectum or in the vagina which can spread and enter the urinary tract through the urethra. Sexual intercourse is a common cause of urinary tract infections because the female anatomy can make women more prone to urinary tract infections. Although it is rare, some women get a urinary tract infection every time they have sex. Another cause of bladder infections or UTI is waiting too long to urinate. The bladder is a muscle that stretches to hold urine and contracts when the urine is released. Waiting very long past the time you first feel the need to urinate causes the bladder to stretch beyond its capacity which over time can weaken the bladder muscle. When the bladder is weakened it may not empty completely and some urine is left in the bladder which may increase the risk of urinary tract infection or bladder infection. My UTI also lead to yeast infection due to the anitibiotics. So please do not depend too much on antibiotics too.
  5. Let me share my experienced but this happen to me more than 10 years ago during my younger days. Every month I’m afraid of having period because my cramp is really bad. I will start to have slight pain and slowly it will get worst. The pain is un-tolerable. I cannot afford to stand up as both my leg have no strength. The moment I stand up I will fall and I have to curl myself up on the bed. The giddy comes in and all the things I see is blur vision. Then followed by cold sweat and diarrhea. Panadol and painkiller tablets doesn’t help at all. So have to get jab from the clinic for fast result. And I always remember whenever I step into the clinic with such condition, all the patients waiting at the clinic will let me see the doctor first. Even my mother boiled me tang quai, and I take “bak foong” pill often for a year, also doesn’t help. Then I try switching to evening primrose oil, that also doesn’t help at all till a fren ask me to try “Spirulina”. I was really sceptical about it as I’ve tried so many products in the market and that doesn’t seems to help at all. But to my surprised after taking Spirulina for a couple of months, I start seeing result. The pain get lesser and lesser each month till it’s totally gone. It’s because Spirulina contains GLA which helps. Its oils are 3 times richer than evening primrose oil. Not only this that help but it’s a whole-food supplement which contain a full spectrum of proteins, minerals, vitamins, oils and other nutrients that work all together to be effective. Just evening primrose oil alone by itself doesn’t work at all because no nutrient is an island unto itself and, as such, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and essential fatty acids are all needed for either activation or function.
  6. I have the same problem too previously, my menses some time come after 14 days, some time come after 3 months and some time have brown discharge for 1 month. Went gynae and was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
  7. I've read in many forum and found that today, many ladies out there have PCOS. I'm also diagnosed with PCOS. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hidden hormonal imbalance. The result of too much testosterone and an inability to control blood sugar levels, it is inherited and there is no cure. The symptoms are unexplained weight gain, excess facial hair, adult acne, and infertility - and the associated risks are worse. In women with PCOS, the ovary doesn't make all of the hormones it needs for any of the eggs to fully mature. They may start to grow and accumulate fluid. But no one egg becomes large enough. Instead, some may remain as cysts. Since no egg matures or is released, ovulation does not occur and the hormone progesterone is not made. A woman with PCOS is, according to researchers, seven times more likely to develop diabetes than a woman of the same age and lifestyle who does not have the syndrome. She is also now known to be 7.4 more times at risk of a heart attack and four times more likely to suffer from high blood pressure. The first two of these conditions are major killers in the Western world.
  8. I use to take Elken's Spirulina previously too. It's MLM company and its very expensive. Have been switching to Japanese brand a few years ago which I got it direct from Japan. It's much cheaper about 35% cheaper.
  9. Due to the presents lifestyle, it's good that many are taking health supplements daily to maintain good health. Ever since the first vitamins were discovered early in the last century, nutritionists and dieticians have told their patients and the public at large that it is not necessary to take supplements if you have a balanced diet. Unfortunately due to our hectic lifestyle, many do not eat in a balanced way, and no matter how careful we are with our diet, we can never be sure if we are consuming the entire spectrum of essential nutrients our cells require for optimum health, AND that makes us require additional vitamins and minerals. As stated in many health magazines too that the widespread health and age-related problems prevalent today are preventable with the right nutrition. Without optimum intake of these nutrients, the functions of the cells can be impaired, and in the long run, this may contribute to age-related conditions and degenerative diseases. It is also advised to avoid taking supplements that contain just one or two specific vitamins or minerals unless your doctor or state-registered dietitian has advised you to. This is because vitamins and minerals work in harmony and an excessive amount of just one can impair the absorption or effectiveness of others. Correct balance is important. In addition, you should be aware of your total nutrient intake if you are taking more than one supplement product a day. But tracking nutrient intake can become difficult when taking a number of single supplements. There may also be a risk of overdosing. Supplements sometimes contain over ten times the level of vitamins that we need. My problem on taking a number of single supplements have been solved ever since I swtiches to SPIRULINA. Beside spirulina has a combination of over 70 ingredients that can provide all-round nutritional support for the healthy functioning of the body and most important have all the 5 major nutrients including essential and non essential Amino Acid that are important in human health. It also offer a balance of nutrients which maximizes the effectiveness of each ingredient. Spirulina is also easily digest because it has very soft cell walls so it makes it easy to digest and nutrients can absorbed almost fully. So that makes it great for people of all ages including children. After taking this, my health has improved in general, it also enhance natural cleansing & detoxification, my looks has become more radiant, and it strengthened my immune system which I have fewer colds & flu or if I get a cold, it escape more chronic symptoms & recover faster. It do helps too as I have Thalassemia, as its an inherited condition because Spirulina supplies bio-chelated iron that is very easily absorbed and utilised. Now everyone in the family are taking it as food supplement which includes my son to improve health in general and strengthen immune system. Always remember, these are just supplement and not medicine. You have to take it for long term. Remember, go for whole-food rather than synthetic supplement because whole-food vitamins is in their natural state and contain a host of nutrients that exist within a "complex" whereas synthetic supplement are not natural and have been split into singular products or formulated in a lab somewhere.
  10. Well I do have this problem. Very bad cramp till I'm not able to get up. Same time I also have irregular menses, some times once every three months or brown discharge for a month. Went to gynae and found I have Polycystic ovary and that caused me having irregular menses and difficulties getting pregnant because of not ovulating. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hidden hormonal imbalance. The result of too much testosterone and an inability to control blood sugar levels, it is inherited and there is no cure. The symptoms are unexplained weight gain, excess facial hair, adult acne, and infertility - and the associated risks are worse. Previously i did tried EPO, Tang Quai and Pak Foong Pills but all doesn't help at all till a friend recommended me Spirulina. That was how I switch to Spirulina. Beside helping me to curb my menses cramp it also help in PCOS. Honestly in the beginning I was a bit skeptical, but since I've tried so many others, so was thinking no harm trying and it works. As Spirulina contains plant sterols found to enhance hormone balance. Especially for women, a food source of GLA is important too. Its richness in GLA - a precursor to the body's prostaglandins - master hormones that control many functions. Poor diet, saturated fats and alcohol can cause GLA deficiency leading to cnditions like heart disease and premenstrual stress. Same time I've heard from many women who have appreciated spirulina's benefits for PMS and for healthy, beautiful skin. Also Spirulina is a whole food source containing a full spectrum of proteins, minerals, vitamins, oil and other nutrients. Furthermore to be able to be effective vitamins & minerals are dependent upon each other. So this solve my problem.
  11. Most people have heard of Spirulina, but they don't really know the details of why this is truly the most astounding best food source on planet Earth. Spirulina is microscopic plants that grow in fresh water. It's actually called micro-algae, since it's microscopic forms of algae. It has been around for quite some time: a few billion years, actually. This micro-algae contain an astounding array of nutritional elements: vitamins, macrominerals, trace minerals, essential fatty acids, protein, nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), chlorophyll and a vast spectrum of phytochemicals. These nutrients are required by the human body daily in order to stay healthy. Here's what you find in Spirulina: * High-quality complete protein that is more dense and more digestible than any animal-derived protein. * All the know B vitamins, including vit B12 which is almost never found in plants. * Vitamin C. * Vitamin E. * Macrominerals: calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium and many more. * Trace minerals. * Omega-3 fatty acids including GLA. * Mucopolysaccharides. * Beta-carotene. * Nucleic acids (RNA & DNA). * Chlorophyll. Looking at the nutrients it provides, a well-informed nutritionist can only stare in awe: these are many of the nutrients needed by every human body daily, in near-perfect ratios! It's that impressive!
  12. Hi all Any regular takers of Spirulina here? Please share!
  13. I've bought the OSIM izap for 1.5 years. When I first bought it, i used it daily for 30 minutes. It's a waste of time and money as it doesn't help at all. Lastly, honestly only exercise helps.
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